Tuesday, November 5, 2013


There are higher levels of illiteracy in Africa that has affected the continent to move forward especially in sub-Sahara Africa. But with the dawn of science and technology, African can move forward and grow her economy speedily if she can embrace and invest in it. There is a lot of potential in Africa for technological growth.
In recent past, we have seen African governments investing much in science and technology, one such example is Ghana which is building a $10 billion high-tech hub – it will encompass a technological university, hospital, assembly of technological products, sports etc. This high-tech investment will foster technological growth and attract major players in the global ICT industry. Countries such as Nigeria which is building a new data centre that will be hosting cloud computing services; Kenya which is also a hub of technology in east Africa had the technology giant firm Hitachi opened a new branch there. Not forgetting Uganda which is also a power house of technology innovation in Africa.
African needs to invest a lot in science and technology if her economy is to grow. Technology unlocks a lot of potential in any country. We have seen how our Western and Asian counterparts have benefited from science technology and they are still utilizing its potential.
Rwanda which recently recovered from genocide is making advances under the leadership of President Kagame with regards to embracing technology. They just launched a project called One-Laptop per Child (OLPC) which is being commanded by the government and NGOs. The aim of this project is to turn Rwanda into a knowledge-based economy like that of Singapore. It is part of the Vision 2020 under the leadership of President Paul Kagame. Turning Rwanda into a tech hub will not only find jobs for the Rwandese but also help them to live a better life.
The merits of technology in education sector are gigantic in such a way that education can be delivered at a cheap rate or free and fast. E-learning is contributing to the growth education sector in such way that it eliminates or reduces illiteracy levels.
African governments should invest a lot in technology. Take for instance the new pilot project which was just launched by Wikipedia and Airtel which will allow people to receive Wikipedia articles via SMS/Text. If successful, this project will enrich the minds of many Africans, thus helping to reduce illiteracy. Again, take the innovation of the internet, people who have access to the internet are able to do a lot of research at a cheaper rate and have access to all sort of information cheaply. Another example is the use of social media, which allows people to associate and communicate cheaply. Social media is connecting people from all walks of life. Social media is a social of news now for many Africans. Breaking news is on Twitter and Facebook. Social media are also changing the way African politics are conducted.
Another technology revolutionary is the introduction of mobile money. Although it has a dark side of it, it has helped to transform Africa’s banking industry especially the rural part which is unbankable. Mobile money has been able to extend banking services to areas where conventional banks are not able to reach. Apart from internet connectivity, it is becoming one of the utilized technological innovations in Sub-Saharan Africa. The noble part of mobile money is that it is faster, cheap and convenient. The recent research indicates that mobile transactions will reach 1 trillion by 2015. This simply demonstrates that the leverage of mobile technology and technology at large is colossal. Not only is mobile money creating jobs for the many locals in Africa but also helping to create sustainable and health living standards by reducing poverty. Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, South African and Zambia are some of the countries that are utilizing this service very much. Statistics also show that Africa has surpassed Latin America to be the second largest mobile market consumer after Asia. Giant mobile telecommunication companies such as MTN, Safaricom, Airtel, and Vodacom are the pioneers of this technological innovation. We are heading towards a cashless economy!!
Digitalizing African industries/firms via e-commerce is another way of propelling the economic expansion of Africa. With low rates and higher internet penetration, companies can be able to realize the full benefits that comes with e-commerce. E-commerce will enable African firms to have a wider reach. Companies can be able to market and sale their products cheaply. African companies such as retail, agriculture and entertainment industry can penetrate the market and have a global reach!! This is unleashed potential of revenue generation for Africa. IT start-ups can also focus on this area and create jobs!
Other innovative services that Africa can benefit from are telecommuting, where people are able to work away from their offices. Both the private sector and government can leverage technology to help improve the health care sector. Africa can harness the opportunities that are offered by technology in health sectors e.g. drug authentication technology called Mobile Product Authentication (MPA) – which is used to verify drug products against fake ones (Nigeria recently launched this). Also health smart-cards  Doctors can administer patients via video conferencing though the process called “Tele-pharmacy” or “tele-medicine”. Tele-medicine can help poor people in rural areas who have difficulties in seeking healthcare services. African countries can push ahead and draw up policies that support this e-health services. The market for this is ripe as such more jobs can be created and poverty stricken citizens in rural areas can have access to cheap and sustainable health care. Most competing health providers in African doesn't know use technology, thus, start-ups can come up and provide quality, affordable health care services for the middle and lower class.
In this information age we living in, there is need for Africa to invest a lot in technological infrastructure so as to eradicate poverty, remove illiteracy, provides jobs and contribute to the development of the continent. Of course the first step to actualize all these benefits can only start with massive investment in technological infrastructure. The digital divide has to be reduced drastically as well by making cheaper access to the internet. The global information society should also carter for Africa. African governments have the duty to digitalize the entire continent and transform it into a knowledge-based economy. Mind you, telecommunication is the fastest economy drivers in any country.
Although the usage of computers have increased over the last decade, what is needed now is to develop and utilize the services that technology offer such as the internet, mobile money, digital marketing among others. Technology need to encompass all the areas: accounting and banking, agriculture, communications, health, mining, transportation, defence  medical, and research. Governments should also come up with policies and regulations that can enhance technological usage in these areas. If African governments embrace technology, there will be more FDI inflows, thus contributing to the economic growth of the continent. Skills trainings to be specialized in computing is a pre-requisite as well, e.g. programming, security, networking, telecommunications, information systems etc. We lack resource specialization in Africa. We need to educate more people in the discipline of technology. What Africa needs most is the ability to exploit existing products effectively, and this can only be achieved through education. Development is all about people, their needs and their potential, and not with the sophistication of technology. Training costs in sub-Saharan countries are too exorbitant and needs to be reduced drastically.

Technology is a tool for growth in Africa. Africa can achieve mammoth economic gains with the aid of science and technology. The benefits of science and technology are immense and this is a very innovative sector that will continue to create benefits for more years to come. With high mobile penetration, Africa can take advantage of technology and propel economic growth.

Lukonde L. Chaibela

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