Saturday, November 8, 2014


This article is principally dedicated to Michael C. Sata, our former president who died on 28th October while on a medical checkup in London, UK.
Michael or Sata (as he was fondly called by many Zambians) became a household name for his political style. Although I may not be able to articulate whole of his political life, I will be able to provide Sata’s political style as I understand and how it changed Zambia’s politics.
President Sata’s political career began in the eighties during the UNIP (led by Kenneth Kaunda) era just after Zambia got independence. Following independence, he worked his way up through the rough-and-tumble rank-and-file of the ruling United National Independence Party (UNIP) to the governorship of Lusaka in 1985. As Governor, he made his mark as a man of action with a hands on approach. He cleaned up the streets, patched roadways and built bridges in the city.
When UNIP lost election in 1991 to MMD (under the leadership of Chiluba) after the introduction of multi-party politics in Zambia, Sata found himself in the MMD camp. During his time in MMD, he held different post such as Minister of Labour, Minister of Health, Local Government and Minister Without Portfolio. Not only did he hold public offices but he found to be among MMD’s party structures as if he was a founder of MMD. It was during his time in MMD that the name Michael Chilufya Sata became a household name due to his hard-working attitude and loquacious political style.
During Chiluba’s third term bid campaign Sata was by then MMD Chief Executive Officer (Secretary General - SG) and fought hard for Chiluba, but only to be disappointed by Chiluba and MMD NEC who refused to pick him as the party’s President for 2001 General Elections. It was at this time Sata fallen out of bed with the MMD and went on a solo political path to form his party, Patriotic Front party – 2nd October, 2001. He formed the Patriotic Front (fondly known as PF) three months before the 2001 general elections. During that year’s elections the PF did not do well and only managed to get only one MP by the name of Joseph Katema, Chingola MP. Joseph Katema is the current Minister of Information and Broadcasting. Since 2001, it was a long journey for Sata.  He lost elections in 2006 (Levy Mwanawasa) and 2008 (Rupiah Banda). During his time in opposition Sata became very famous by championing for the rights of poor.
President Sata spent 10 years in opposition, and during his time in opposition he changed how opposition political parties operate. He became one opposition leader who made sure that both the Mwanawasa and Banda’s government become more accountable to their decisions. He usually questioned the decisions of the party in power and how those decisions will impact the ordinary Zambians. His political rhetoric was concentrated on the poor and both Mwanawasa and Rupiah’s decisions affected them. He was a communicator! President Sata was an ordinary politician who was easy to go by and very quickly to read the political mood. He used to mingle a lot with ordinary Zambians freely and listen to their problems. He became attached to ordinary Zambians thus accumulating overwhelming support. He understood the paramount concept in politics: Politics is local. He understood that the majority electorates are ordinary and not intellectuals. His 10 years in opposition was part of his political learning curve. He learnt and changed how, not only Zambian politics but African politics at large should be conducted. To this effect, he was even invited by the Oxford University, African Studies Department to give a lecture on African Politics. President Sata’s political career was full of action, and his nickname, Cobra - Man Of Action befits him very well. President Sata’s strongest political tool was his ability to quickly understand the political mood. He had a political acumen that no Zambian politician to date has ever had. Not even Chiluba can match him. His charisma to influence people contributed as well (His sense-humor is great!). He was influential and vocal. He was one kind of politician who was not delusioned by the media but was concerned of people’s problem and how they affect them in their everyday lives. He understood that politics (and as a politician particularly), is to possess the mind of a capitalist. The mind of identifying the needs of the people and speak to them in their (people) own language; the language they can easily understand. He had a rare political acumen and I believe emerging leaders in politics will learn from his type of politics. His shrewdness of politics can’t be found on the political landscape right now. None of our polical competitors can match President Sata’s political shrewdness, including his ministers. He was a political capitalist. On the other side of the coin, he was a hard-working leader. During his 3 year tenure as President, we saw how his government embarked on the ambitious infrastructure development. His infrastructure programme will go definitely go a long for mother Zambia. Universities, hospitals, roads, bridges and schools are being built. And once these projects finish, Zambia will witness a hike in economic activities that will take this country forward. He is an action-oriented politician. And his sense of humor was incredible!
President Sata indeed changed our politics. He was a serious political competitor and was passionate about politics. He had passion in his political career, he loved what he was doing. His political life changed a lot of people not only ordinary Zambians but even those who want to embark on political career too. He was an influential political figure on the Zambians landscape.
Lastly, I would want to state that President Sata was a POLITICAL LION. He feared nothing along his journey. He defeated all his enemies on the political battlefield and became victorious. He possessed the gene of Champions who never give when it’s hard. He shown us how to live life to the fullest, how to achieve dreams in life and how to impact people’s lives. He was a great soldier but most essentially a POLITICAL LION! May His Soul Rest In Peace. Go well My President, until we meet again.

By Lukonde L. Chaibela