Wednesday, February 8, 2012



People always talk about change, e.g. “you need to change your attitude” and so on; but what does change literally means to a human being?

Change can be in many forms, it could be in form of job, career, towards people, academically, towards your goals or among other things. Everything that comes in life comes with its advantages and disadvantages, so is with change. Change is inevitable so says the old adage. It is very important in life if you want to grow in everything; you need to accept that certain things have to be changed. John Mason in his book Imitation is Limited stated that “great ideas still need change, adaptation and modification in order to prosper and grow”. Consider a person, who has set a goal of buying a Nissan Pathfinder buy 2016, but during this estimated time, he loses his job and his entire dream is shuttered!! What does he do next? Myles Munroe once said that “the tragedy of life is not life itself but life without a dream”. This person needs to align his mind with his current situation and accept that he has lost a job. He needs not to throw away his dream like that but he has to accept the change that has come into his life that he has lost his job. Now he needs to modify his long time goal of buying a Nissan Pathfinder by finding ways and means of achieving that he has longed for.

The lesson is that change comes in life expectedly or unexpectedly but we have to accept it. Robert F. Kennedy once said that Progress is nice, but change is its motivator. We need change to grow, learn and prosper. We can’t grow if we don’t feed our minds with necessary knowledge and information, thus we will never grow and appreciate other things if we remain stagnant to change. We shall never grow and learn new skills in life if we don’t appreciate the value of change. People who stay at one place for a period of time never grow. Some people need to change organization so as to learn new skills, take up new challenges, leadership skills, and organization structures, or for a higher salary. It could also be in your relationship by finding a better person who can appreciate your love or anything else, and changing your attitude to attain those higher marks in school that you have been craving for.

If you want to grow in life, consider change to be part of your life, and when it comes don’t hesitate to embrace it because there are benefits that are attached to its coming. TB Joshua the Nigerian prophet always says that no condition is permanent. And I want to echo his words that no condition is permanent in life, everything change. Everything is in transition so be prepared to embrace the change. To a person who doesn’t have a job, wallowing in poverty, unhealthy, you have been hurt by your partner, or looking for love, I say our God is a God of change, he alters situations. Change is coming at you because you are a child of God. Be gallant and courageous enough to embrace that change which is coming but for a good reason. Change for a good reason. Change sometimes comes with hidden treasure, but for you to see that hidden treasure you need to change.

Change has a considerable psychological impact on human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because challenge exist to make things better” – King Whitney Jr.

When you stop changing, you stop growing. Caution be careful and know what type of change you want but always know that change has got benefits attached to it.

By Lukonde L. Chaibela Bsc Computing

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Who are winners?

While today as I was reading Justin Kangwa’s Race to the top in daily mail titled “Who are winners” I was amused and encouraged to do much better and will continue to polish up my skills as a way of reaching to the top and staying there. As I continued to assimilate the article I came across an adage which was once said by James Allen the British “As a man thinketh, so he is”. But away from Justin Kangwa’s article in today’s daily (1st/02/2012), I was prompted to borrow his heading and try to expand and expound my thoughts on the topic “WHO ARE WINNERS?”

Many people want to win in everything they do but then “Who are winners?” Winners are positive thinkers. People, who think positive do things in a positive way, they possess determination, courage and are non-quitters. No matter how the environment the surrounds themselves in dictates a number of things to them, they never quit. They learn from failure, because they have developed an understanding that FAILURE IS A LEARNING CURVE in life.

People who succeed in life are no different from people who fail to succeed but what differentiates the two is the pattern of thinking and the way they do things. Winners do things differently and always think positive no matter the circumstance they found themselves in. winners never quit and always want to learn and explore new things. Failures do things the same way and never notice what and how to change.

The character of being a winner is all summed up in what our thoughts are really made up of. If you think you can win, you can, but if you think you cannot win, you can’t for sure. Our life is all made of what we think. Stephen covey once said that “we move from private victories to public victories”; meaning, we thinking privately or secretly and what we think is reflected by what we do in public domain. James Allen from his famous book wrote “all achievements whether in business, intellectual or spiritual world, are a result of definitely direct thought”. This entails the fact that whatever we achieve in life is as a result of thoughts, be it negative or positive. This all points to the fact that the MIND is an important instrument that has to be used with care; train your mind to think of good things be it in relationships, family, finances, business etc. Positive thoughts bring or spring confidence in oneself. Winners think positive even when under pressure; they control their emotions and get the best out of unfavourable circumstances.

Dear reader, from today I urge you to refine your thinking, think positive if you want to be a winner. There is no such a thing in life like he is highly favoured by God, what matters is the type of mindset that you have developed yourself the way you think and do things. The bible in book of proverbs says that as water reflects man’s face so as his mind. People who think negative are engrossed by fear and they are the ones who don’t prosper in life, they are at the same level!! Change your thinking pattern and everything around you changes. It doesn’t matter whether you are not good at math, English geography, accounts etc.; but the secret to score high grades is to say “YES I CAN” and you will see the magic behind positive thinking blended with good attitude. Attitude is of worth when you are aiming to win. Not only developing positive thinking will you win, but also your attitude should change and align itself with what your thoughts are. Be a master of your mind and you will achieve everything that you want to achieve. Success begins in the mind, so as winning.


Winners always think positive and you can be a winner too. Good thoughts bear good fruits and bad thoughts bear bad fruits. Use your mind wisely if you want to become a winner. Happiness, success, winning, health, intellect, failure and wisdom are all in the mind. Surely as a man thinketh, so he is!!


By Lukonde L. Chaibela

Who are winners?

While today as I was reading Justin Kangwa’s Race to the top in daily mail titled “Who are winners” I was amused and encouraged to do much better and will continue to polish up my skills as a way of reaching to the top and staying there. As I continued to assimilate the article I came across an adage which was once said by James Allen the British “As a man thinketh, so he is”. But away from Justin Kangwa’s article in today’s daily (1st/02/2012), I was prompted to borrow his heading and try to expand and expound my thoughts on the topic “WHO ARE WINNERS?”

Many people want to win in everything they do but then “Who are winners?” Winners are positive thinkers. People, who think positive do things in a positive way, they possess determination, courage and are non-quitters. No matter how the environment the surrounds themselves in dictates a number of things to them, they never quit. They learn from failure, because they have developed an understanding that FAILURE IS A LEARNING CURVE in life.

People who succeed in life are no different from people who fail to succeed but what differentiates the two is the pattern of thinking and the way they do things. Winners do things differently and always think positive no matter the circumstance they found themselves in. winners never quit and always want to learn and explore new things. Failures do things the same way and never notice what and how to change.

The character of being a winner is all summed up in what our thoughts are really made up of. If you think you can win, you can, but if you think you cannot win, you can’t for sure. Our life is all made of what we think. Stephen covey once said that “we move from private victories to public victories”; meaning, we thinking privately or secretly and what we think is reflected by what we do in public domain. James Allen from his famous book wrote “all achievements whether in business, intellectual or spiritual world, are a result of definitely direct thought”. This entails the fact that whatever we achieve in life is as a result of thoughts, be it negative or positive. This all points to the fact that the MIND is an important instrument that has to be used with care; train your mind to think of good things be it in relationships, family, finances, business etc. Positive thoughts bring or spring confidence in oneself. Winners think positive even when under pressure; they control their emotions and get the best out of unfavourable circumstances.

Dear reader, from today I urge you to refine your thinking, think positive if you want to be a winner. There is no such a thing in life like he is highly favoured by God, what matters is the type of mindset that you have developed yourself the way you think and do things. The bible in book of proverbs says that as water reflects man’s face so as his mind. People who think negative are engrossed by fear and they are the ones who don’t prosper in life, they are at the same level!! Change your thinking pattern and everything around you changes. It doesn’t matter whether you are not good at math, English geography, accounts etc.; but the secret to score high grades is to say “YES I CAN” and you will see the magic behind positive thinking blended with good attitude. Attitude is of worth when you are aiming to win. Not only developing positive thinking will you win, but also your attitude should change and align itself with what your thoughts are. Be a master of your mind and you will achieve everything that you want to achieve. Success begins in the mind, so as winning.


Winners always think positive and you can be a winner too. Good thoughts bear good fruits and bad thoughts bear bad fruits. Use your mind wisely if you want to become a winner. Happiness, success, winning, health, intellect, failure and wisdom are all in the mind. Surely as a man thinketh, so he is!!


By Lukonde L. Chaibela

Bsc in Computing